Offers & contacts in the Ruhr ecosystem Our network

Accelerator, Incubator & Company Builder
Startport Logo


startport GmbH is a subsidiary of the Port of Duisburg and actively promotes further development in the field of logistics and supply chain. Startport sees itself as an innovation hub that accelerates B2B start-ups with a focus on logistics and supply chain. With this aim in mind, young start-ups are promoted that develop forward-looking ideas for the leading logistics hub in the heart of Europe together with duisport and the companies based there. In addition to free co-working and a coaching programme, the successful start-ups benefit from a broad network of partner companies for one year.

DOaccelerate Logo


DOaccelerate connects international start-ups with the challenges of regional SMEs to jointly develop innovative solutions: An international startup first works on a concrete challenge of the regional SME during a 5-day digital programme, then in the context of a continuing cooperation. The programme is accompanied by workshops, training and networking, with the involvement of the regional ecosystem.

Contact: Sabrina Heix


Phone: +49 231 50 22851

Impact Factory Logo

Impact Factory

The Impact Factory is an incubator from Duisburg and supports start-ups from the green & social economy sector with a 6-24 month start-up scholarship. The start-up scholarship includes services such as coworking, mentoring and training as well as access to the network and funding partners. The Impact Factory Duisburg is a joint initiative of the founding partners Beisheim Foundation, Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH, KfW Foundation and Anthropia gGmbH with the support of the programme partners Der Paritätische NRW Wohlfahrtsverband and the Wilo Foundation.

Werk X Logo

Werk X

WERK X is the Cross Innovation Motor of Wirtschaftsentwicklung Bochum, where founders who want to be successful with their idea are supported. Every six months, three teams of founders are sought to develop their idea into a marketable start-up with WERK X. The deal: You have the idea - WERK X has the rest. This includes: Rapid product testing on customers, modern co-working in the heart of Bochum, as well as 1,500 euros for six months for the founding team in the form of a monthly stipend.

Contact: Maurice Reinhard


Phone: 0234 610 631 93

EWG Business Builder Logo

EWG Business Builder

The incubator programme of the Essener Wirtschaftsförderung (Economic Development Agency from the city of Essen) is docked onto the NRW start-up scholarship. In addition to legal advice and their own marketing and design agency, start-ups can also draw on the expertise of the expert network of the Essen start-up ecosystem.

Contact: Kai Bonnen


Phone: 0201-8202448

HOD - Hands On Data Logo

HOD - Hands On Data

At HODcon, we bring together start-ups, established companies and data experts to unleash the data potential of Germany's largest industrial region. Discover inspiring keynotes, panels and talks. Ask questions in the Startup Arena and network with our partners in our Expo area.

ZukunftsZentrumZollverein – Triple Z Logo

ZukunftsZentrumZollverein – Triple Z

On the campus with historic colliery buildings of Zollverein 4/5/11, start-ups are promoted: Flexible rental conditions, modern infrastructure, cross-industry networking with the 100 companies & start-ups, personal advice - and more!

Contact: Sophia Schmidt-Gahlen & Stefan Kaul


Phone: 0201 88 72 112

Crealize Logo


Crealize is a company creator with the mission to found and sustain startups. In a family environment, Crealize offers the infrastructure for young founders to develop into successful entrepreneurs and establish their ideas in the market. As a visionary co-founder, Crealize provides strategic support, offers a broad network of experts and lends a hand itself - for the common goal of leaving a mark.

Cube 5 Logo

Cube 5

The incubator Cube 5 supports interested founders and start-ups at the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security at the Ruhr University Bochum. Located in the Wordfactory Start-up Center (WSC), it offers start-up know-how, support in developing business models and in setting up companies with a focus on the B2B sector. In addition, Cube 5 is one of four locations in Germany that supports start-up projects and start-ups from the scientific context of IT security in the BMBF funding program"StartUpSecure". 



FACE@RUB steht für Female Academic Entrepreneurs und ist der Inkubator für Unternehmerinnen an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, der Studentinnen und junge Akademikerinnen zu eigenen Gründungsideen und zum Unternehmertum inspirieren soll.

Der Inkubator ist Teil des Worldfactory Gründerzentrums, das 2019 vom NRW-Wirtschaftsministerium als "Exzellenz-Gründerzentrum.NRW" ausgezeichnet wurde.

Contact: Maike Wagner


Phone: +49(0)234 32-19858

HRW Startups Logo

HRW Startups

Die Hochschule Ruhr West ist mit dem Projekt HRWStartUps seit Mitte 2020 Preisträgerin im BMWi-Wettbewerb EXIST-Potentiale. Das war ein wichtiger Meilenstein, um Gründer:innen, und solche die es noch werden wollen, als Hochschule noch besser unterstützen zu können. Ein zentraler Baustein auf dem Weg der Hochschule Ruhr West zur Entrepreneurial University. 

Contact: Meike Sturm


Phone: 0208 882540

SQuArE Dortmund Logo

SQuArE Dortmund

Im Gründungs- und Kreativzentrum SQuArE in der Lindemannstraße 79 können FH-Angehörige an ihren Ideen und Projekten arbeiten. Es stehen ein Co-Working-Raum, eine Werkstatt und ein PC-Pool zur Verfügung. Außerdem sind Mitarbeiter*innen vor Ort, die in die Geräte einweisen, beraten und unterstützen.

Contact: Christina Schönberger


Phone: +49 0231 13775202

Website Logo ist eine Initiative marktführender Unternehmen der chemischen Industrie und des Verbandes der Chemischen Industrie Nordrhein-Westfalen (VCI NRW) mit Unterstützung des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie.

Contact: Stefan Weber


Phone: 015172604495



Der Inkubator Materials fördert Innovationen in der Materialwissenschaft.

Ob in der Medizintechnik oder Automobilindustrie, in der Textilbranche oder Lebensmittelindustrie: Technischer Fortschritt braucht immer wieder neue, exakt auf die Anwendung zugeschnittene Materialien und Werkstoffe. Ihre Anwendung ist so vielfältig wie unser Leben. Innovationen auf dem Gebiet der Materialwissenschaft bringen nicht nur wirtschaftlichen Erfolg; sie können auch zum Umweltschutz beitragen und unsere Lebensqualität verbessern. 

Bist du einem materialwissenschaftlichen Phänomen auf der Spur? Ob es sich dabei um eine Idee für ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung aus der Spitzenforschung handelt, spielt keine Rolle: Auch „Lowtech“-Ideen können große Wirkung entfalten. 

Contact: Tina Boes


Phone: 0234-32-26547

Start4Chem Logo


Du verfolgst einen vielversprechenden Forschungsansatz im Bereich Chemie oder Biochemie und möchtest herausfinden, wie du deine Forschungsergebnisse in die Anwendung überführen kannst? Du möchtest eine eigene Geschäftsidee testen? Du findest auch „You don‘t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great“?

Dann bist du bei Start4Chem herzlich willkommen!

Contact: Annabelle Beyer


Phone: 0234-32-23452

Smart Systems Logo

Smart Systems

Der Inkubator Smart Systems wird vom Lehrstuhl für Produktionssysteme geleitet und berät Gründungsinteressierte hinsichtlich der Potentiale, Umsetzung und Prototypenentwicklung Smarter Systeme. 

Smarte Systeme erheben und analysieren Daten, treffen Vorhersagen und intelligente Entscheidungen. Sie sind ein zentraler Bestandteil der Industrie 4.0, welche die Vernetzung und den digitalen Datenaustausch zwischen Maschinen und Menschen in Echtzeit meint.

Durch die enge Zusammenarbeit mit der Gemeinsamen Arbeitsstelle RUB/IGM wird ein ganzheitlicher und transdisziplinärer T-O-P-Ansatz verfolgt (Technologie – Organisation – Personal). Neben technischer Expertise werden dementsprechend auch Fragen der Arbeitsorganisation und -gestaltung in den Beratungsprozess eingebunden. Darüber hinaus bietet der Inkubator Zugang zu einem Netzwerk aus Unterstützern, Anwendungspartnern und potentiellen Kunden.

Contact: Lara Obereiner


Phone: 0234-32-19880

Health+  Logo


Die Medizin erlebt aktuell den größten Wandel aller Zeiten und du kannst mit dabei sein! Der Inkubator Health+ unterstützt Gründungen in Healthcare, Life Science und Medizintechnik.

Lebensqualität verbessern durch Innovationen rund um die Gesundheit: Darum geht es bei „Health+“. Der Inkubator bündelt die Forschungsexpertise der Gesundheitswissenschaften und unterstützt bei der Entwicklung innovativer Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Geschäftsmodelle.

Contact: Dr. med. Lisa-Marlen Spathelf


Phone: 0234-3219225

Innovation Hubs, Co-Working & Community
Gründerallianz Ruhr Logo

Gründerallianz Ruhr

Gründerallianz Ruhr connects founders in the Ruhr region and supports start-ups with a strong network of business and science, networking events and programmes such as the Hands on Data, as well as with general questions about the Ruhr ecosystem.

Digital Hub Logistics Logo

Digital Hub Logistics

The Digital Hub Initiative is part of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. At the Digital Hub Logistics in Dortmund, companies are supported and advised in their digital transformation and in the development of digital business. Among other things, innovation coaches are available to companies for the development of new business models. Furthermore, access to the necessary infrastructure is provided and contact between start-ups and SMEs is made possible.

Contact: Maria Beck


Phone: 0231-9743614

ruhr:Hub Logo


The ruhr:HUB is funded by the NRW state government and by the Ruhr cities of Bochum, Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen, Duisburg, Essen and Mülheim a. d. Ruhr. The aim of the ruhr:HUB is to connect start-ups and companies in the Ruhr region. In addition, the ruhr:HUB offers start-ups the opportunity to present themselves at various events, develop ideas further, acquire expertise and establish contacts with interesting partners, customers and experts. The main topics are: Big Data, eCommerce, Data Security, eHealth, IoT, Logistics, Platform Economy, Smart City, Smart Home or the influence of Social Media.



BRYCK, der von der RAG-Stiftung initiierte Startup- und Innovation-Hub mit Sitz in Essen, bringt Gründer:innen, Investor:innen, Wissenschaftler:innen und Unternehmen mit einem Ziel zusammen: eine lebenswerte Zukunft zu gestalten. Allein im ersten Jahr (2022) seines Bestehens hat BRYCK bereits über 30 Startups in den Themenbereichen Livable Cities, Healthcare und Wasserstoff unterstützt.

Work Inn Logo

Work Inn

Work Inn ist einer der größten deutschen Coworking Space Anbieter. 2013 vom Ehepaar Dörte und Tim Schabsky gegründet, haben sie die größte Coworking-Community im gesamten Ruhrgebiet geschaffen. Hier tummeln sich Visionäre und Macher aus der Kreativ- und IT-Branche als auch aus den verschiedensten Bereichen der Wirtschaft. Die Community mit ihrem Know-How, die Kooperation der Member untereinander und das damit verbundene große Netzwerk stehen hier im Vordergrund. Work Inn betreibt bereits 12 inspirierende und individuelle Coworking Spaces in 6 Städten im Ruhrgebiet (Dortmund, Bochum, Duisburg, Essen, Hamm, Mülheim) - weitere sind in Planung.

Contact: Madeleine Meermann


Phone: +49-170-4513276

Purpose Projects Logo

Purpose Projects

THE PODCAST WITH THE SUSTAINABLE GOOD: Whether Ruhrpott or Reykjavik, food start-up or energy company - we are convinced that projects should always fulfil a purpose. And we want to get this message out there. With interviews and reports, we provide valuable insights into exciting purpose projects that inspire and question the status quo. Every fortnight, we draw attention to topics, people, projects and companies whose innovative ideas, plans and intentions are making our planet a better, more efficient and more sustainable place to live. Logo is a podcast for the digital start-up scene in the Ruhr region by Julian Nöll. In the podcast, founders and experts from the startup sector share their experiences with listeners and share successes, mistakes and solutions.

Contact: Julian Nöll


Phone: 0151-26632734

Ruhrgründer Logo


Ruhrgründer is the online portal for founders and start-ups in the Ruhr region. The portal provides readers with stories from entrepreneurs in the Ruhr region. In addition, Ruhrgründer provides those interested in founding a company with relevant information on possible contact points and support opportunities. The extensive event calendar provides information on any start-up events taking place in the Ruhr region.

University, Education & Transfer
CEIT – Centrum für Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Transformation Logo

CEIT – Centrum für Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Transformation

The Faculty of Economics at the Ruhr University Bochum has established the CEIT as a connecting element and catalyst for economics-based projects in research and practice. The CEIT's goal is to develop future perspectives on the topics of entrepreneurship, innovation and transformation in a regionally networked manner. Various cooperation and support opportunities are offered at the CEIT: The joint application for third-party funding projects, sponsorships with EXIST as well as workshops and further training events for those interested in founding a company and supporters.

Contact: Christian Warnecke


Phone: 0234-3225099

WSC Inkubator Smart Systems Logo

WSC Inkubator Smart Systems

The Smart Systems incubator is part of the Worldfactory Start-up Centre at the Ruhr University Bochum. With the LPS Learning and Research Factory as an experimental space for all topics related to digitalisation, it complements the range of start-up consulting services with expert support for the development of industrial product service systems and smart products, and offers access to an extensive network of companies from the region.

Contact: Charlotte Reineke


Phone: (+49) 234 32 26302

Start4Chem Logo


The incubator Start4Chem supports people interested in founding and start-ups in chemistry and related natural sciences. Connected to the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV and the Worldfactory Start-up Centre of the Ruhr University Bochum, Start4Chem brings together expertise, people, companies and institutions to develop future-oriented products, process innovations and business models in the chemical industry.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Kristina Tschulik


Phone: 0234-3229433

Centrum für Entrepreneurship & Transfer Logo

Centrum für Entrepreneurship & Transfer

The Centre for Entrepreneurship & Transfer (CET) is a central institution of TU Dortmund University and initiates and promotes business start-ups, as well as the transfer from science into practice. Students, graduates and employees are actively supported in the development and implementation of business ideas, in the evaluation and exploitation of inventions, in cooperation with companies and in the training of entrepreneurial skills.

Entrepreneurship Zentrum Witten Logo

Entrepreneurship Zentrum Witten

The Entrepreneurship Zentrum Witten (EZW) offers an early-stage accelerator programme in close cooperation with Witten/Herdecke University. It supports founders in their company development. For interested start-ups, the EZW offers, among other things: Co-working spaces, infrastructure, individual consulting services, lectures & workshops as well as support in all areas relevant to start-ups. The co-working spaces and the event rooms can also be rented externally.

Worldfactory – Ruhr-Universität Bochum Logo

Worldfactory – Ruhr-Universität Bochum

The Worldfactory Startup Center (WSC) was founded within the Ruhr University Bochum. RuB students are to apply their scientific know-how in practice here in order to be able to develop novel products or services. The WSC accompanies potential founders throughout the entire development and start-up phase. The services offered include: Provision of working space, support in developing ideas and business models, assistance in applying for funding and provision of the extensive network.

GUIDE – Zentrum für Gründungen und Innopreneurship der Universität Duisburg-Essen Logo

GUIDE – Zentrum für Gründungen und Innopreneurship der Universität Duisburg-Essen

As the Centre for Start-ups and Innopreneurship, GUIDE is the central contact point for all those interested in starting a business at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Potential founders receive a wide range of services here - from initial advice and individual coaching to further training and advice on financing and funding - and professional support in developing and implementing their ideas up to and beyond the business model.

Evonik Venture Capital GmbH Logo

Evonik Venture Capital GmbH

Evonik Venture Capital is the venture capital branch of Evonik Industries, a global leader in specialty chemicals. With a fund volume of EUR 250 million and offices in Germany, the USA and China, Evonik invests globally in start-ups from the seed to the growth phase. Particular focus is placed on the innovation growth areas of Advanced Food Ingredients, Cosmetic Solutions, Healthcare Solutions, Additive Manufacturing, Membranes, Sustainable Nutrition and solutions for the digital transformation of the chemical industry. As a strategic investor, technical support and access to industry-relevant networks are provided.

Contact: Dr. Jens Busse


Phone: 0201-1774420

Gründerfonds Ruhr Logo

Gründerfonds Ruhr

The Gründerfonds was initiated jointly by Initiativkreis Ruhr and NRW.BANK and is the first private-sector early-stage fund in the Ruhr region financed by regional industrial and financial companies. The fund invests in innovative and technology-oriented companies from the life science & health, digital economy, chemicals & new materials, energy & industry and logistics & trade sectors. Prerequisites for financing are good growth and exit prospects as well as competent management. As a multi-corporate early-stage fund, it also opens up important industry access for the respective portfolio companies.

Contact: Thorsten Reuter


Phone: 0201-8115115

Tengelmann Ventures Logo

Tengelmann Ventures

TEV is a venture capital firm focused on early-stage growth opportunities in the Consumer Internet, Digital Services and Software & Technology sectors. In the last 10 years, TEV has invested in more than 50 companies, including Zalando, Delivery Hero, Klarna and Sum up.

Contact: Maximilian Rowoldt


Phone: 01712604067

Perpetuo Ventures Logo

Perpetuo Ventures

Perpetuo Ventures develops, projects and launches new business models as an operating venture capitalist with a focus on early-stage startups in the NRW area.

Contact: York Frenzer


Phone: +4917634287879

High-Tech Gründerfonds Logo

High-Tech Gründerfonds

The High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) was initially launched by the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Energy, KfW Bankengruppe and six industrial companies and is considered Germany's most active early-stage investor. HTGF finances technology startups and has an extensive network as well as valuable technological and business know-how. HTGF invests in startups that are no more than three years old and in which no more than 500,000 euros in equity, dormant equity holdings or convertible loans have previously flowed. In addition, HTGF supports the startups with its team and extensive network.

Key Events, Competitions & Awards
startupweek:RUHR Logo


startupweek:RUHR is initiated by the ruhr:HUB and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. startupweek:RUHR is a decentralized series of events that takes place in the last week of September and brings together the topics of entrepreneurship, innovation, and digitization under one roof throughout the Ruhr region.

Contact: Sabine Rottmann


Phone: 01738472186

Gründungswettbewerb Senkrechtstarter Logo

Gründungswettbewerb Senkrechtstarter

Senkrechtstarter is an open competition for people interested in starting a business in Bochum and North Rhine-Westphalia, initiated by Wirtschaftsentwicklung Bochum. Senkrechtstarter accompanies you in six months from the idea to your own company. As part of the competition, experts from the business world will help you optimize your project and develop a comprehensive, professional business plan.

Contact:  Daniel Merkler


Phone: 0234-61063177

Digital Logistics Award Logo

Digital Logistics Award

Der Digital Logistics Award richtet sich an Start-ins, Start-ups und Ideengenerier aus der Logistik. Start-ins sind Innovationsteams innerhalb eines Unternehmens aus Logistik und Produktion, die einen digitalen Service oder ein digitales Produkt jenseits des bestehenden Portfolios entwickeln. Start-ups dürfen bis zu drei Jahre nach ihrer Gründung teilnehmen. Ideengenerier und Erfinder sollten eine ausgereifte Produkt- oder Geschäftsidee im Bereich Logistik mitbringen. Gesucht werden innovative digitale Logistiklösungen für Produktion, Handel, Automotiv, Farm & Food, Mobilität, den Finanzsektor oder andere Branchen. Der Digital Logistics Award ist einer der höchst dotierten Awards in der logistischen Start-Up-Szene. Die acht Finalisten erhalten die Möglichkeit vor mehr als 500 Entscheidern auf dem Zukunftskongress Logistik zu pitchen.

Contact: Maria Beck


Phone: 0231-9743614

FuckUp Nights Ruhrgebiet Logo

FuckUp Nights Ruhrgebiet

At FuckUp Night, successful entrepreneurs take the stage to talk about a massive failure in their (entrepreneurial) lives. Why? Because success is always based on failure and learning in life. The audience gets the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of the founders and take them into account when implementing their own ideas. Behind the FuckUp Nights Ruhr are the Initiativkreis Ruhr, Team2Digital, WorkInn and Christian Dasbach.

Contact: Christian Dasbach


Phone: +49(0)201 85 89 57 51

Salon des Créateurs Logo

Salon des Créateurs

The "Salon des Créateurs" was initiated by the Design Metropole Ruhr and the Initiativkreis Ruhr GmbH. As part of the "Salon des Créateurs," four nominated startups present their startup ideas to a jury and answer questions about design. The startup that is subsequently selected wins design services worth 5,000 euros. The background to this prize is that startups that work together with designers from the very beginning develop in a more targeted, strategically effective and ultimately more successful way.

RuhrSummit Logo


With over 5,000 participants, the RuhrSummit is the largest annual B2B startup event in Germany. The focus is on networking startups with corporations and medium-sized businesses in the region. The RuhrSummit is initiated annually by the 360 Grad Online Performance Group, the Initiativkreis Ruhr and the startup portal

start2grow Logo


With over 5,000 participants, the RuhrSummit is the largest annual B2B startup event in Germany. The focus is on networking startups with corporations and medium-sized businesses in the region. The RuhrSummit is initiated annually by the 360 Grad Online Performance Group, the Initiativkreis Ruhr and the startup portal

Contact: Christine Turek


Phone: 0800-4782782

Startup Olympics Logo

Startup Olympics

As part of the Startup Olympics initiated by the Essen Economic Development Agency, you will work in a team to develop a business model within 52 hours. This means that participants can, but do not have to have their own business idea in advance. During a weekend in Essen, you will work together with 100 like-minded people and more than 10 mentors. At the end of the weekend, you pitch your idea to a top-class jury.

Contact: Tabea Lersmacher


Phone: 0201-8202418

Associations & Network
GFW Duisburg Logo

GFW Duisburg

As a modern business development agency, we are your agile companion on the path to professional independence. You have the idea and we help you in partnership and at eye level to make it fly. To do this, you need the right tools: and we can offer them to you - in the form of start-up workshops, business plan competitions or funding acquisition. On top we search for your perfect match with potential business angels, venture capitalists and cooperation partners. Let us be your door opener! We are curious about you and your plans! In addition, we have a very good overview of the real estate market in Duisburg and help you to find your suitable premises.

Contact: Andrée Schäfer


Phone: 0203-3061080

Kolumbus Logo


Kolumbus is an innovation cooperation of Stadtwerke Bochum, DEW21, GELSENWASSER and We are looking for innovative solutions in the field of digitalization, automation as well as new products and business models for our houses.

Die Techniker Krankenkasse Logo

Die Techniker Krankenkasse

Techniker Krankenkasse offers more than "just" social insurance expertise. In the start-up phase, it advises on the decision to take out private or voluntary statutory health and long-term care insurance. In addition, during the growth phase, it provides answers to questions regarding the employment of interns, working students and employees. TK also offers support beyond onboarding for international employment.

Contact: Timo Reineke


Phone: 0160-90136705

Design Metropole Ruhr Logo

Design Metropole Ruhr

The Design Metropole Ruhr is a project of "Heimatdesign" and offers an overview and a network for developers, designers and co-thinkers from the field of design and communication agencies from the Ruhr region.

IHK zu Dortmund Logo

IHK zu Dortmund

The Dortmund Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) supports startups from the founding phase through the safeguarding and growth phase to crises and company succession. Startups can benefit from the experience of the IHK experts, whether in personal consulting, seminars or concrete placement assistance. In addition to general startup consulting, the IHK helps startups with their internationalization and brings them together with local SMEs.

Social Startup Days Logo

Social Startup Days

In the two-day workshop, initiated by the Economic Development Agency from the city of Dortmund, you have the opportunity to concretize your social idea and to check whether the idea can become a business model. The ideas are tested in the group on the basis of the design thinking model and various tools. With the help of the coaches' feedback and the developed canvas model, a rough concept including the business model should be ready at the end of the workshop.

Contact: Marita Krey


Phone: 0231-5023095

ruhrvalley Cluster e.V. Logo

ruhrvalley Cluster e.V.

ruhrvalley is an innovation network of start-ups, universities of applied sciences and established companies in the Ruhr region. We find new ways to develop, implement and enforce innovations for digitalization, energy and mobility transformation in our region.

Bochum Wirtschaftsentwicklung Logo

Bochum Wirtschaftsentwicklung

Bochum Wirtschaftsentwicklung supports (potential) founders in the implementation of a business idea, in financing questions, in the choice of location or in networking with other founders and other contacts with a variety of (free) offers. These include an ideas competition to flesh out a business idea, a business plan competition at the end of which a finished business plan is drafted and many other advisory services.

Wirtschaftsförderung Essen Logo

Wirtschaftsförderung Essen

The Startup Initiative of the Essen Economic Development Agency integrates startups into the Essen network. As part of the Scale-up City initiative, start-ups can find a location with excellent framework conditions for founding or a location for already founded companies to get off the ground.

Initiativkreis Ruhr Logo

Initiativkreis Ruhr

With more than 70 companies and institutions, the Initiativkreis Ruhr is one of the strongest economic alliances in Germany. Its members are united by the goal of advancing the development of the Ruhr region and sustainably strengthening its future and competitiveness. The main fields of action are business, education and culture. One focus in the economic field of action is on supporting founders in the Ruhr start-up ecosystem. To this end, the Initiativkreis opens up its network to the member companies within the framework of Smart am Start or it initiates formats such as the Gründerallianz Ruhr and the Hands and Data, the Ruhr Summit and the Salon des Créateurs.

Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH Logo

Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH

Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH (BMR) develops and markets the Metropole Ruhr as a business location. It bundles the economic interests of the 53 cities in the Ruhr region. The aim of BMR's work is to increase the competitiveness of the Ruhr region. This includes the continuous development of the Metropole Ruhr and promoting the image of the business location as a high-performance and innovative region both nationally and internationally.

IHK zu Essen Logo

IHK zu Essen

The Essen Chamber of Industry and Commerce advises those interested in setting up a business on business models and business plans and gives valuable tips on financing and funding opportunities. Feedback on bank concepts or patent and trademark advice is offered. Furthermore, the Essen Chamber of Industry and Commerce offers franchise and financing consultation days as well as workshops on topics relevant to start-ups. In addition, start-ups are advised in the context of a possible expansion abroad.

Social Entrepreneurship Stammtisch Logo

Social Entrepreneurship Stammtisch

Networking, forming cooperations, developing ideas together, making plans, exchanging experiences, giving each other tips - everything is possible at the Social Startup Stammtisch, the meeting for founders of the Dortmund Economic Development Agency, established social entrepreneurs and everyone interested in the topic. In a relaxed atmosphere, participants from Dortmund and the surrounding area have plenty of opportunity to get to know each other, exchange ideas and learn from each other.

Contact: Marita Krey


Phone: 0231-502 309 5

Scale-up.NRW Logo


Scale-up.NRW verhilft erfolgreichen Start-ups aus Nordrhein-Westfalen global zu wachsen und entfacht landesweit eine Sogwirkung für unser Start-up-Ökosystem. Dies ist ein entscheidender Beitrag, dass wir uns bis 2025 zu einer europäischen TOP-10 Start-up Region entwickeln.

Das Programm erfolgt im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.

Contact: Bettina Palka


Phone: 0211/56 18 98 89

StartING@THGA Logo


Hochschulen besitzen großes Potenzial, mit Wissen und Technologien aus der wissenschaftlichen Forschung wirtschaftlich erfolgreiche Gründungen hervorzubringen. Mit StartING@THGA bietet die Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola ein praxisnahes Angebot für Gründungsinteressierte. Das Angebot richtet sich an alle, berufsbegleitende und internationale Studierenden aber auch an Professor:innen, Forscher:innen, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter:innen und Ingenieur:innen. Der Fokus liegt auf wissenschaftliche Ausgründungen!

Contact: Marie Dowling


Phone: +49 234 968 3436
